Bino Catasus

Bino Catasus is Full Professor of Accounting and Auditing at Stockholm Business Stockholm, Stockholm University, Sweden. Bino’s main curiosities relate to the issues of what accounting does to people and what people do to accounting. This broad interest has led Bino to study many aspects of the interplay between individuals, accounting and organizations. Bino is primarily a qualitative researcher with in interest in studying ‘the consumption of accounting and his empirical domains have shifted from studying auditors, board members, shareholder groups, controllers and HRM-managers.

Although studies of accounting are typically carried out in organizational settings, accounts and accountabilities are central practices in more facets of social life. For Bino, the studies at the borders of accounting open up new questions and helps to develop deeper understanding and more nuances of what accounting can be. This has led Bino to be a part of studies of reading of the individual pension reports and by that trying to give insights into accounting literacy. The question of how people read accounting, open up for studying accounting practices and framing them in social and political theories. This ambition opens up for studying accounting from the inside and thereby offering insights about how accounting is part of gluing societies together.

Bino’s academic work has been published in a variety of journals such as Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal; Critical Perspectives on Accounting; Contemporary Accounting Research; European Accounting Review, Scandinavian Journal of Management.

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